Photovoltaic Green-Ecosystem Organization, abbreviated as “PGO”, is a social organization voluntarily composed of photovoltaic enterprises across China, and it is under the leadership and management of China Inspection and Testing Society (CITS). In 2013, PGO was initiated by China Electronics Technology Group Corporation and jointly established by China Guodian Corporation, China Merchants Group, China Poly Group Corporation and the other state-owned enterprises. Following the principle of cooperative construction and benefit sharing, PGO members join forces to conduct development, construction, sales, operation and maintenance of photovoltaic power plant projects by strategic cooperation so as to promote the healthy and sustainable development of photovoltaic industrial ecology.
With many years of unremitting operation and development, to date, PGO’s membership has expanded across state-owned enterprises, listed companies, foreign joint ventures and large-sized private enterprises, covering the full spectrum of photovoltaic industry with PV manufacturing, PV power plant investment, design, construction, operation & maintenance, certification, financial leasing, etc., which stand for the backbones of China photovoltaic industrial community.
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